If we remember, surely all women collect at least one mark on their skin that tells us the story of a moment lived.
For example, the typical knee injury that reminds you of that afternoon when you tripped as a child while playing in the park.
There are those who have reflected on their face the consequences of an uncontrolled acne infection that took its toll on their skin during adolescence.
Anyone who suffers from psoriasis - a type of autoimmune disease that is characterized by the formation of plaques of cells on the skin - will surely remember exactly the date of the appearance of that first outbreak.
In the case of Delfina (our brave protagonist for stripping body and soul for this article), some spots on her skin marked a before and after in the way she saw herself, took care of herself, and prioritized herself.

In reality, it is a peculiar way that sometimes goes unnoticed, and very typical of the human body, to communicate to us that something is not right inside the shell.
It's funny how something so simple can be so complicated: knowing how to listen to yourself.
The vast majority of skin conditions are caused by exogenous factors, that is, by external causes such as infections by microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, but also by the use of inappropriate cosmetics that unbalance the acid mantle of the skin, pollution environmental and irritating substances.
However, there are others that have a psychosomatic origin that, since they do not correspond to a physical reason, are difficult for us to accept and understand.

The skin, as the largest organ in the body and at the same time a great excretor, also serves to expel what does not want to be inside. It's about letting out repressed emotions.
In the summer of last year, Delfi noticed small spots on her body.
At first, what seemed like a few innocent reddish circles on his abdomen and back, a few days later they spread uncontrollably to his extremities.

Maybe an allergic reaction to a new food or cosmetic?
It is the first thing you think about in a situation like this, which is why in the first diagnosis the solution was topical medications based on corticosteroids.
But after several weeks, the spots did not disappear, in fact, they became accentuated and increased in proportion throughout the body.
At this stage, a second opinion was the best option, with its corresponding biopsy and various analytical tests.
But the results showed that it was neither dermatitis, nor psoriasis, nor mycosis.
So what could it be?
At this point, she herself came to the conclusion that her problem could have an emotional origin.
His intuition, which we often ignore, told him that he should rest, expose himself to the sun moderately and bathe in the sea - which is a cure as ancient as the human being - but not an easy task for anyone. He has to take off his clothes in the eyes of the rest of the people.
A double emotional effort: showing your body to the world as it is with its skin rash and at the same time carrying out psychological work to delve into the origin of the cause.
Delfina had just emigrated from Argentina to Barcelona just two years ago.
A new job and city to adapt to, far from their own, leaving their origins, their culture thousands of kilometers away... in short; a sadness witnessed by his skin.
That's why getting to this point and embracing it has been key for her.

Here she began to understand that she needed to listen to her inner self, attend to the feelings that surfaced at every moment, but above all pamper herself as the most important being in her own life deserves: herself.
This is true self-care.
A radical change in diet, transforming it into a vegetarian one, eliminating inflammatory foods, combining it with acupuncture sessions and regulating the pH of the skin.
A mutual friend, Vanessa Thuille, photographer and creator of this report, acted as a link between us to advise her on her skin care.
Delfina feels that by using Nasei she has not bought a remedy, but rather something that she has incorporated into her daily routine and that she fully enjoys its textures, aromas and results.

Use the olive and lavender vegetable soap to avoid removing natural lipids and thus not drying out the skin's mantle.
On the other hand, it nourishes a lot and consciously with the tangerine and geranium balm, thus providing the necessary fatty acids to regenerate the epidermis while keeping it healthy and protected.

A long and tedious process that requires a lot of willpower as well as discipline, but it has helped him perform the reset that his body needed inside and out.
Despite how uncomfortable this stage has been, Delfi gets a positive reading that has helped her understand, love and value herself even more.
A learning experience, but above all a story told through their own skin.
Photographs of Vanessa Thuille
Protagonist Delfina Gorelik
Written by Lorena Avignon