The sense of smell is the most emotional sense. Your mood changes depending on the aromas you inhale.
"Have you ever felt like a little girl again when breathing in the smell of a summer storm?"
Who doesn't, right?
"How many times have you traveled to the past when the smell of the food from the family home where you grew up reaches you?"
"It's no coincidence. The sense of smell has that great power."
"The one that has the most memory, the one that best retains memories and is the most emotional. The smells of the past rescue states of mind."
Smelling a fragrance linked to a place, a moment, or a person is the most immediate way to travel through time.
People have the ability to remember 35% of what we smell, 15% of what we taste, 2% of what we hear, and only 1% of what we see.
How do you feel?
But there is more.

"You don't smell with your nose, you smell with your brain."
Although the nose is the gateway, it is the brain that activates and links an emotion to each of the smells you perceive.
What does this mean? Well, it means that smells have a lot to do with how you feel and influence not only your mood but also your way of seeing life and your daily motivation.
Knowing this information will be useful for:
2. There are studies that show that in contrast to the practice of sudokus, an olfactory routine with 5 types of essential oils in older adults helped them reduce and rejuvenate their cognitive age and prevent dementia.
At the end of the article, we tell you some exercises that you can put into practice to achieve it.
Now that you know all this, have you stopped to think about to what extent the aromas around you influence your well-being?

What are the essential oils that provide well-being
These essential oils have a direct positive effect on mood:
Lavender and spike calm anxiety.
The citrus fruits —orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, and bergamot—
they lighten the mood.
The rose and the geranium boost self-esteem and help you feel good.
Even so, we recommend taking time to connect with yourself and with each of the scents and blends to know which ones make you feel best in each moment.

What can I do to train my sense of smell?
Perform these simple practices daily.
It will take you no more than 15 minutes, and the benefits to your concentration, memory, and mood will more than compensate you:
- VERBALIZA the smells. Putting words to them will make you pay more attention to them and appreciate each of their nuances.
- Select 3 different scents to inhale every day for a week.
Do it gently and slowly, for a maximum of 10 seconds and repeat 2 or 3 times with each scent. Take a 5-minute break between each of the aromas.
Better if it's in the mornings, when the sense of smell is more awake.
- "After a week, smell the same scents with your eyes closed."
First through the mouth (keeping the nose closed), then the other way around, through the nose with the mouth closed.
"EVOKE the smells, the nuances, and the sensations that it provokes in you throughout the day."
- BE AWARE of the smells that surround you in each of the places you are in. Take a moment to perceive them; any moment and place is good to exercise your sense of smell.
- If you have children nearby, EDUCATE their olfactory memory. It has been proven that knowing how to label and associate smells helps the development of emotional intelligence and can assist in managing ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Everything starts with a breath
Now that you know a little more about the topic, we would like to ask you that every time you use any of our products you take a minute of your time to inhale their aromas.
"They are not chosen at random and it is the best way for you to enjoy all their benefits."
Read this article if you want to learn more about flores del norte, our home line designed for your well-being.