The first thing you need to know is that Hair does not fall out, it regenerates.
Starting from this basis, in principle, there is no reason to be scared when finding hair all over the house.
Nor when it falls "by handfuls" as you run your hand through your hair, beyond how annoying it is.
Losing between 100 and 150 hairs a day is natural.
Above all in autumn.
Although you must keep in mind that hair does not fall out in one day, but can stick to the scalp and come off when washing or combing it, causing the number to vary from one day to another.
Hair is not eternal.
This is what we mean when we say that hair loss does not exist as such.
"But what each of your hairs does is fulfill its life cycle (just like people and the leaves of trees)."
Of course, at your own pace.
So the same happens with relationships, which do not always coincide at the same vital moment.
That's why, while some hairs fall out, others start to grow.
Each hair has its own rhythm and not all go through the same phases at the same time.
"Do you know those short hairs that stick up when you look at yourself in the mirror in the backlight? They are new hairs that are coming in."
Hair grows, anchors to the root through the hair bulb, nourishes, strengthens, and dies.
"It is then that it sheds and makes way for a new hair."

The hair cycles: anagen phase, catagen phase, and telogen phase
These are the stages your hair goes through:
Anagen phase
It is the growth phase, when the follicle is healthy and the cells are at full capacity.
They accumulate at the root of the scalp and push the hair out, making it grow.
This cycle lasts between 2 and 7 years, at an average growth of 1 cm per month.
Catagen phase
The moment when the hair stops growing and begins to gradually shed from the root.
The activity of the cells begins to slow down.
It lasts between 2 and 3 weeks. It is then that the dermis stops producing melanin and you notice that your hair becomes thicker.
Telogen phase
At this stage, the follicle is in a resting phase.
It's when your hair falls out and allows the complete cycle to start again.
This phase lasts between 2 and 3 months.

While the entire life cycle of a hair takes between 2 and 8 years to complete.
This is the reason why people with long hair or with a lot of volume lose more hair.
They are all the fibers that have already completed their cycle.
Why does hair fall out more in autumn?
Sunlight promotes growth. That's why in summer hair seems to be stronger and grows faster.
However, with the arrival of autumn and less exposure to the sun, production slows down.
The key is in the sun and in biology.

Some theories argue that this has to do with our animal origin. And that the renewal of hair in autumn is related to hibernation and the need to acquire a good coat for the cold season.
"It's normal to see more little hairs in spring than we talked about before. Those are the ones that fell out in autumn that are starting to grow back again."

When do I have to start worrying?
More than seeing hair everywhere, the significant thing is that you start to notice bald spots.
If after a while you feel that the density of your hair is decreasing and that your scalp is thinning, it is time to see a dermatologist.
Some factors that increase the fall:
- Stress and anxiety.
- Age. As we get older, it is natural for hair to weaken and fall out more.
- Certain medications.
- The postpartum period, menopause, and other stages that involve hormonal changes.
- Some diseases such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
- Diets that involve a lack of nutrients such as proteins, iron, or biotin.
- Problems on the scalp.
- Abusing aggressive hair treatments such as dyes, straightening, or chemical ingredients.
- Also the excess heat from dryers and straighteners.
- The continued use of hairstyles that are too tight or strained.

How to prevent hair loss?
Being a natural process, you cannot prevent your hair from regenerating.
What you can do is pamper it so that it grows healthy and strong and looks soft and shiny.
- Apply 3 or 4 drops of the jojoba and hemp hair serum on the scalp before each wash.
- Massage with the jade massage comb to stimulate your scalp and allow more nutrients to reach the hair follicle.
- Wash normally.

Another effective trick is to hydrate your hair just like you hydrate your skin: every day.
To do this, you just need to heat a couple of drops of the hair serum rubbing your hands together and applying it.
By now, you must have realized that the idea of trimming the ends to make your hair grow longer is a false myth.
"It will look healthier and prettier, that's for sure, but what determines growth is the root."